Christmas markets tour to Lille by coach: 3 days, 2 nights
Your Christmas Markets tour to Lille will immerse your students in French Christmas traditions and is a wonderful opportunity for cross-curricular learning. This three day option gives your group the opportunity to also explore a market in Arras or Amiens.
Similar tours
Suggested itinerary
Day one
Depart from school by coach
Connect with channel crossing
Arrive at accommodation
Day two
Explore the Christmas Market in Lille
Explore the Christmas Market in Arras or Amiens
Day three
Depart accommodation
Explore local area
Connect with channel crossing
Arrive back in the UK
Tour gallery
Excursion Locator Map
Excursion Ideas
Old Town and Cathedral
Subject range: MFL, Cultural
What you’ll experience: While on your Christmas markets trip, you could take some time to visit the restored buildings, cafes, and art galleries of ‘Vieux-Lille’, Lille Old Town. You can also visit the impressive Cathédrale Notre Dame de la Treille.
Select says: A great opportunity for students to extend their vocabulary.Christmas Markets, Lille
Subject range: MFL, Cultural
What you’ll experience: The wooden chalets of the Christmas Markets of Lille glitter with Christmas decorations and there are stalls filled with festive food, as well as arts and crafts. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to use their language skills and absorb some traditional French culture. Markets you can visit include: Amiens, Arras, Lille, and Grand Place Reims.
Select says: A highlight is the Ferris Wheel on the main square of Lille, which is transformed into a winter wonderland with an 18-metre high Christmas tree.
Christmas markets trip to Lille by coach: 3 days, 2 nights Accommodation
Kyriad Villeneuve D'Ascq
Location: Villeneuve-d'Ascq
Capacity: 84
Located just 5km from the centre of Lille and next door to the Museum of Modern Art.
Rooms: All rooms have en-suite facilities.
Facilities: Restaurant, Wi-Fi, meeting room, 24 hour reception.
Links to Learning
Learning areas:
Christmas markets tour to Lille by coach: 3 days, 2 nights
Learning areas:
Why not link your tour to your school PSHE planning? Areas covered could include:gaining self-confidence and independence; working together and making new friends; trying new activities; take increasing responsibility for themselves.
For KS3/4 how about linking to the Citizenship curriculum:to enable them to manage their money on a day-to-day basis.
How about linking to the Foreign Language curriculum? KS2:listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding; engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; develop accurate pronunciation and intonation; broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words.
KS3/4 Modern foreign language:develop and use a wide-ranging and deepening vocabulary that goes beyond their immediate needs and interests; listen to a variety of forms of spoken language to obtain information and respond appropriately; initiate and develop conversations, coping with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses, making use of important social conventions such as formal modes of address; speak coherently and confidently, with increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation.
Select Extras:
For KS2 students to practise their language skills pre-tour try these resources:BBC Primary French – language lab
BBC Primary French – all about me (also includes French sounds video and songs)
KS3/KS4 There are some fantastic video clips available here including situations such as a visit to the market:
KS3 BBC Bitesize – a visit to the market
KS4 BBC Bitesize GCSE resources
Have you thought of selecting a relevant movie for the coach journey? We recommend Ratatouille!