It’s a great time of year to think about a Christmas Market School Trip for 2020. Mr Graignic of The Charter School North Dulwich recently took a school trip with Select to the Christmas markets of Lille, and has kindly answered a few questions for us to give you a teacher’s perspective:
Can you give us an overview of where you went?
On 5/6th December, forty of our Year 7 pupils took part in our annual French trip to Lille and Arras. On day one, we visited Lille Old Town, complete with waffle tasting, and the Natural History museum. On day two, we travelled to Arras for the town’s Christmas Market, one of the largest in Northern France, where our trip ended.
What you find are the main benefits of taking a school Christmas market trip?
It’s a great opportunity for students to practise their language skills in real-life situation (asking for food and drinks, bargaining, etc.) in a controlled environment. Students decide what they want to see and who they want to talk to, and are keen to use French as it can lead to a discount on purchases. It’s also great to be immersed in the Christmas atmosphere in France; markets are a very good place to see different items from all over the country.
Do you have any tips for other schools considering taking a Christmas market trip?
An exploratory visit is highly recommended, as markets come in various shapes and sizes, with various level of security measures – it’s not always easy to have a clear idea of what the market actually looks/feels like unless you go there beforehand. It’s very useful to have phrases ready for students to use at the market, and practise this ahead of the visit if possible to build confidence.
Thank you to Mr Graignic of The Charter School North Dulwich for taking the time to give us a teacher’s perspective!
If you are interested in a Christmas markets trip next year, you can browse options here, and contact your regional travel advisor, who you can find here.

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